Operations Bridge Ease of Integrations Video
Check out our new YouTube video about Operations Bridge Ease of Integrations.
Check out our new YouTube video about Operations Bridge Ease of Integrations.
Excellent software has been produced by development teams that had total control over what tools they used and also by teams that had their tools mandated by management. On the other hand, poor software has also been delivered by both approaches.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_e3DNP7kiA Check out our new YouTube video about an overview of Tricentis Tosca vs. Micro Focus Unified Functional Testing.
The Scenario Your business has constructed a variety of application environments designed to pursue and expand your mission-critical business plans and gain market share. Over time, security concerns, maintenance, and user convenience steered you to building a unified, shared authentication infrastructure such as Identity…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqaUHoaYbIU Check out our new YouTube video about Micro Focus Unified Functional Test – ERP JD Edwards.
Crunch Time Clarity The final Push to Prod is always exciting. I will also say that Go Live week is always Fun because I only remember the good times, which…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHc-TkHtEwM Check out our new YouTube video about a realistic customer use case that highlights the power of integrating multiple Micro Focus and 3rd Party Tools.
Check Out Tricentis Flood’s New Blog Post: https://www.flood.io/blog/how-new-jersey-prepared-for-a-flood-of-covid-19-loan-and-grant-applications
Filtering out Synthetic Monitoring Traffic from Google Analytics We have been using automated scripts to monitor websites' performance and availability. These scripts are usually launching a real browser and navigating…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qSbZ-40WPo Check out our new YouTube video that demonstrates how to integrate NeoLoad Transactions in AppDynamics.